J Constantine is a principal dancer in a prestigious city ballet company and he's studied for years to get there. One night while dancing Don Quixote he loses his leg on stage in a freak ballet accident .

    His dance career over, he decides to change his direction completely and builds a hotel, staffing it with his out-of-work performer mates.

    They have no idea what they’re doing but it’s a job so they’re doing it anyway. With the help of a few experts in hospitality and Sebastian - a magician and J's best friend - the hotel soon becomes the place to be.

    As with most things, not everything goes to plan. J and his bumbling staff need to come up with ways to keep the hotel afloat and they do it in the only way they know - performance.

    Enter through the doors of the Art Hotel and into a world of mayhem and madness, artistry and a lot of love. It's a hotel, but not as you know it. It’s where performance comes to stay.



    In 2021 her son, our brother died from a shockingly brief illness. This sent us into a crippling grief and advanced Kay’s dementia very quickly.

    Too much for her and way too much for Stephanie and I as we grappled with our own sadness while trying to keep mum safe.

    So Stephanie decided to make some big changes and I went along with her brilliant idea...

    We sold everything we owned, Stephanie bought a caravan and I bought a coaster bus, and we embarked on a road trip with our mum.

    We didn’t want to put her in home and we knew we needed to be together, so we decided to do something different. Very different.

    We wanted to give our gorgeous mum adventures, love & happiness while she could still enjoy it all and doing it while she could remember who we were.

    This is a diary of our journey together and is our reflections on, and experiences of, living with someone with dementia.

    Our biggest concern? Making sure mum was safe, happy and healthy.

    We spent eighteen months together - The Travelling Brown Girls - and it was the most loving, learning, and healing time of our lives.



    My latest novel is a whirlwind adventure about a young woman finding a place in the world. It’s a story of family, love and discovery - discovery of herself and what the world has to offer. Propelled by her love of food she finds herself having experiences in situations she never dreamed about.

    This is a work-in-progress so please get a ‘taste’ for it and hit the button below to read an excerpt. Hopefully it will whet your appetite. ❤️