Christine Brown

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How The Art Hotel Began

This book began as a throw away line to my cousin about a ballet dancer having his leg bitten off by a gummy shark. He told me that that was a ridiculous story, for obvious reasons. The seed had been planted though, and over the next few months this story began to take shape in my mind.

I had no idea in which direction it was going to go, so just kept writing - discovering characters and storylines - all the while building the narrative that is now The Art Hotel.

As one character began to form, others revealed themselves to help propel the story and I found myself immersed in this world where music, dance, tragedy and laughter filled the pages as I wrote.

It has been one of the most rewarding writing exercises I have ever undertaken and has opened up a sparkling and wondrous part of my brain I am totally in love with. So much so, I have just started my next novel…

Oh, and the cover - it was designed by me too.